IMO Class 1 Chapter 5: Weights and Comparisons

The purpose of the Class 1 Math Olympiad Questions is to help the students understand each area of mathematics. These Olympiads assist students in discovering their learning potential and in improving their education. This article contains detailed notes about IMO Class 1 Chapter 5 Weights and Comparisons.

Students in Class 1 typically have just begun to adjust to this new school environment. Worksheets for the first-grade international  Math Olympics will be a great way to address their areas of weakness and improve their computation skills.

It takes a lot of practice to be good at math. The best way to boost their self-assurance when tackling challenging mathematical problems is to use Class 1 Math Olympiad’s previous year’s question papers. increasing their knowledge and abilities as a result.

Let’s see detailed notes about IMO Class 1 Chapter 5: weights and comparison.

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IMO Class 1 Chapter 5: Weights and Comparisons Detailed Notes

Weight and Length Comparison

Students in Grade 1 must only compare two objects based on their lengths and weights.


  • A book is shorter than a truck.
  • The chair weighs less than an apple.

The pupil makes direct comparisons between the characteristics of length, area, weight/mass, capacity, and/or relative temperature. When addressing issues and providing answers, the student makes use of comparative language. The pupil is required to:

Compare the weight/mass of two objects (heavier than, lighter than, or equal to).

Describe the quantifiable characteristics of objects, like their length or weight. List the various measurable characteristics of a single object.

Directly contrast two objects that share a measurable characteristic to determine which object possesses “more of” or “less of” the characteristic, and then explain the difference. Compare the heights of two kids side by side, for instance, and label one as taller or shorter.

Two objects can be contrasted based on:


  • Tall/Short
  • Long/Short


  • Thin/Thick


  • Heavy/Light

all of the aforementioned characteristics of an object.

These are a few activities that kids can do to learn about weight comparison.

What items do you have in your possession that weigh more or less than your water bottle?

We simply practice comparing weights by holding various objects in our hands to introduce this concept. Naturally, there are some items that are a little too heavy to pick up. Fortunately, the children have a strong schema already; the majority of them can quickly tell you that a car weighs more than a soccer ball.

When they discover something that is relatively close in weight to the water bottle, that is when things get interesting. That presents an excellent opportunity to discuss: How can we know which one weighs more? Even I would have trouble figuring out which one actually weighs more. (We’ll get to that when we begin measuring in a few days.

What impact does an object’s size have on its weight? Does larger always equate to weightier?

We can take out a feather, a marble, a beach ball, and a baseball specifically for this discussion. I start by asking the children which ones are larger. The beach ball is larger than the feather. Then I inquire as to which are heavier. Despite being larger, the marble weighs more than the feather. In addition, despite the baseball’s larger size, the beach ball is much lighter.

What weighs the most in your basket?

The first task is to use the balance to compare objects and determine which weighs more. Again, don’t instruct the children. Don’t model questioning; rather, lead them through it.

Ask the children to determine which of the objects they are comparing weighs the most as a challenge. That represents real problem-solving! See what methods the children employ to keep track of the objects they weigh. This is undoubtedly difficult. For this issue, we always require them to work in groups.

What items are comparable in weight to an eraser?

Simply put, this is additional balance practice. We distribute an eraser and various items to each group. They experiment with various object arrangements to see how many different ways they can balance the eraser.

What number of cubes is required to balance your object?

In this case, we are actually weighing the objects using non-standard units rather than just comparing them. There will undoubtedly be some rounding required of the kids. Occasionally, 6 cubes aren’t enough to achieve perfect balance, but 7 is too many. We direct them to approach as closely as they can.

You can inquire about the advantages of using the cubes to measure while they are at work. (It is a standard unit that allows for weight comparison.)

You can inquire about which items weighed the most when they’re finished. They can respond with ease. The object with the greatest weight is the one that balances the most cubes. In comparison to using the non-cube method, was it harder or easier to determine which object was the heaviest? They should be able to say it was simpler because they did not have to go back and compare each object because they knew how many cubes each weighed. They could compare using a standard unit.

I’m in balance. On one side, there are 5 cubes, and on the other, there are 12. How do you achieve balance?

The students now have the chance to apply what they have learned to a more complex issue. Although they are free to use math tools if they so choose, we do not get out the balances for this issue.

To represent the five cubes on one side of the balance, you could, for example, lay out five tiles. then continue to add tiles until you reach 12 (because we need 12 on both sides to make it balance). Next, add up how many more you’ve added to arrive at the number 7.

Importance of IMO Class 1 Chapter 5: Weights and Comparisons

A fundamental idea that we encounter on a daily basis is that of weights and comparisons. It gives children a good idea and encourages further exploration to teach them about measuring units like length, weight, money, and time.

Kids need to understand the value of measurement and be familiar with how it is used in daily life, so it gives them a proper image when comparing objects based on units. It’s an important life skill.

Benefits of Math Olympiad 

  • The student will be able to improve and clarify their fundamental concepts by attempting the Math Olympiad for Class 1 Question Paper.
  • a significant aid in test preparation for school.
  • A student can recognize their potential and subsequently develop from that point forward.

It is possible to access the Maths Olympiad for Class 1 previous year test questions to evaluate the aptitude of different students. As a result, they can increase their level of confidence and develop the ability to solve any problem with ease.

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